Heru Cahyono


This paperexaminesthe directionanddevelopment ofruraldemocratizationinthe post
New Order era. There are variations inthe dynamicsandqualityof democracyfrom
onevillagetoanothervillage. In addition, theprospect ofdemocratizationstrongly
influencedby theexistence of thediversityof social institutionsthat existineveryvillage
Therefore, itis impossible to apply uniform democracyinIndonesia. The dynamic ofvil
lagedemocracyafter the New Order era is still very dependent onthe leadershipof
politicalelite. The head ofthe villagelargely determinesthe direction ofpolitical lifein
the village. Village leaderis animportant instrumentin changing theconsciousness
ofthe community toparticipateinthe planningprogram. This in turnwill affect theavail
ability ofaccessandopennessof publicfacilities. In addition to villageleaders, agents
ofdemocracyoccupiesa strategicpositioninpressing fordemocratizationagendainthe
community. The socialstructure ofanegalitariansociety willnotbe usefulifcommunitiesdo
notactivelyplay theroleof agent of democracy. Indonesia’sruraldemocracyis stillat the
level ofnon-participation. Insomecases, “manipulation” and”therapy” are often used
aspaternalisticmethods. It remains a challenge to involvewider community members
during project implementation.
Keywords: rural, democracy, participation, and control.

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