Suryadi Mappangara


The implementation of the autonomy Law in the early 2001 in Indonesia has
lead to the emergence of petty kings in several regions. However, the diversity
of the local political history will be influenced or influence the ways in which
regional autonomy are practiced by local elites. By taking the political history
of Bone from 1811 to 1946 as a case study, this dissertation shows that the
current petty kings have long been maintained by decendants of aristocratic
elite in Bone. There are three interrelated factors that make the aristocrats
in Bone are able to survive in maintaining their power until now; namely
political marriages, social networks, and patron-client relationship.
The colonial government failed to understand three important factors embedded in the long political history of Bone. This lack of knowledge about history and political culture of Bone has led to ongoing conflict between Bone’s
aristocrats and the colonial government. By using local sources,Lontara and
colonial sources, the dissertation attempts to provide balanced analysis of the
dynamics of local political structures of Bone from the period 1811 to 1946.

Keywords: history, aristocrats, social network, political marriages, patronclient relationship, Bone, South Sulawesi.

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