Andi A. Zaelany, Ary Wahyono


Efforts of conservation and community empowerment which include new elements such as Village Sanctuary (Daerah Perlindungan Laut/DPL) are not an easy practice when they face certain social structures as in the case of the Wasuemba Village. The capacity of social structures and their traditional norms (adat) have been shrinking for years, because they are forced to be integrated with the new institution included in the village sanctuary concept as part of the COREMAP program. Previously, the village was a self governing community with respective traditional norms (village regulations), but nowadays it has changed into a local state government in which the traditional norms and regulations are not recognized by outside parties especially the district government, COREMAP organizers, and the central government. Village sanctuary or DPL which is created by a superstructure of the village is not fully accepted by the villagers. They even cause confusion and prolonged conflict.

Keywords: Community-based management, Marine Protected Area, Customary Management.

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