Bambang Purwanto


A flourishing study on Indonesia’s economic history in the last two decades has still
been unable to change a general impression of limited role of the indigenous people
in economic activities during modern times. The transformation of the Indonesian
economy from a colonial economy to a national economy through the process of
Indonesianisasi, went through different historical patterns. The independent Indonesia
did not translate the idea of political nationalism directly into economic prosperity
until the late 1950s. As a result, there is always only a small portion of independent
entrepreneurs among the population, namely those who are supposed to run the public
economy smoothly without political intervention. This paper provides theoretical
considerations and historical facts on the process of Indonesianisasi. It discusses the
economic life of people in Yogyakarta, the capital city Republic of Indonesia during
the war of independence, soon after the recognition of Indonesia’s independence in
December 1949.
Keywords: Indonesianisasi, Colonial period, Foreign domination, Yogyakarta

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