Katubi Katubi


Previous research on language shift and maintenance is commonly conducted
by investigating language use from various domains. However, among the
existing domain classifcations, language use in the domain of tradition has
never been taken into account. Meanwhile, most of existing languages in the
world have no writing system so that their continuity depends on the form
of spoken language and oral tradition. This paper examines the relationship
between language shift/maintenance and oral tradition based on the result
of feld research about Kui language in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara. The feld
research indicates that there is a parallelism between language shift and
stagnation of transmission of oral tradition. This means that the safeguarding
of endangered languages as an intangible cultural heritage should involve the
safeguarding of oral tradition. Likewise, the safeguarding of oral tradition
should involve the safeguarding of language since language is the most
signifcant vehicle to communicate and maintain the intangible cultural
heritage and knowledge indigenous.

Keywords: language shift, language maintenance, oral tradition, intangible

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