Herry Yogaswara


The PhD dissertation project is about to explore Maduranese who returned to Sampit after the communal violence of February 2001. Sampit is a small town in the district of Kotawaringin Timur of the province Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. The communal violence well known as kerusuhan or riot started from February 18, 2001 in the town of Sampit and spill-over to other city and districts in Central Kalimantan. Hundred peoples were killed, mostly Maduranese and thousands Madurenese leave Central Kalimantan by forced. They became internally displace person (IDP) in several districts and cities in Southern Kalimantan and East Java, mostly in the Madura Island. The framework of this thesis is relationship among collective memory, historicity and identity. The thesis would like to confirmed hypothesis which collective memory is shaping identity. Locus of study was town of Sampit, in the district of Kotawaringin Timur. However, to have wider perspective, the researcher visited city and other districts in Central Kalimantan; districts in South Kalimantan as neighbor province and Madura island in East Java. Result of the research are understanding narratives of riots including waves of migration in and out of Sampit; causes of riot; identities of Maduranese and efforts of Maduranese returned to Sampit. Collective memory is a strategy for Maduranese returned to Sampit through mechanism of remembering and forgetting.

Keywords: collective memory, historicity, identity, communal violence, and Sampit of Central Kalimantan



Disertasi ini bertujuan mengetahui orang-orang Madura yang kembali pasca-kekerasan antaretnis di Kota Sampit, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Kekerasan antaretnis yang sering disebut kerusuhan itu terjadi pada 18 Februari 2001, dari Sampit dan menyebar ke kota dan kabupaten-kabupaten di Kalimantan Tengah. Kerusuhan telah menyebabkan tewasnya ratusan penduduk Sampit, terutama dari kelompok
etnis Madura. Selain itu, terjadi migrasi paksa orang-orang Madura ke luar Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Kerangka konseptual penelitian ini melihat keterkaitan antara ingatan kolektif, kesejarahan, dan identitas. Tesis utamanya adalah ingatan kolektif membentuk identitas (collective memories shaping identity). Lokus studinya di Kota Sampit, tetapi kemudian melihat-lihat situasi di kota dan kabupaten-kabupaten lain di Kalimantan Tengah; kota dan kabupaten di Kalimantan Selatan; serta Kabupaten Sampang di Pulau Madura. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan narasinarasi tentang lima gelombang migrasi orang Madura masuk dan keluar dari Sampit, narasi penyebab kerusuhan, penghilangan identitas, dan upaya kembali orang-orang Madura ke Sampit. Ingatan kolektif merupakan strategi untuk kembali ke Sampit melalui mekanisme mengingat (remembering) dan melupakan (forgetting).

Kata Kunci: ingatan kolektif, kesejarahan, identitas, kekerasan komunal, dan Sampit Kalimantan Tengah

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