Luky Sandra Amalia


Based on the higher constitution, local government has their own rights to
manage public interest in their local area. Therefore, local government needs
to create local rules to breakdown the higher constitution but still remain
local characteristics. Unfortunately, there are many local rules which are
recognized as contradiction with the higher constitutions, unable to contain
national interest, unable to contain local social context, incompatible with
public interest, and those are not aspirated by society. These local rules were
recommended to be revised or canceled. It popular as complicated local rules.
Generally, the dominants of complicated local rules are about local taxes and
retributions because district autonomy implementation influence local cost.
The situation became more complicated because policy making process does
not involve society, whereas mass participation in policy making process is
very important to do because people involvement could be an effective control
so the local government does not use local rules as a tool to discriminate or
burden certain community. So, there are many problems of local rules which
are needed more attention to make it better

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